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Metal Casting Machine

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dernière mise à jour: 2021-02-25 13:10
nombre de vues: 335
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metal casting machine

The metal casting process is a preferred manufacturing method for metals that have high melting points. Typically, this will include metal alloys of aluminum, brass, and copper. The requirements for metal casting include an outside furnace and a ladle to pour the molten metal. Cold chamber die casting methods are known for their ability to produce denser metal castings.

Metal casting machine is ideal for metals with high melting points and corrosive properties. When compared to hot chamber die casting, metal casting machine solves the corrosion problem by separating the melt pot from the injector components. The process begins when molten metal is ladled from the furnace into the shot chamber through a pouring hole. Next, the plunger forces metal through the shot chamber into the die at pressures ranging from 2,000 and 20,000 psi.

With metal casting machine, metal is first heated to achieve a molten state in a separate furnace. The molten metal is then transported to the casting machine where it’s fed into the machine’s chamber. The machine uses a pressurized plunger to force the molten metal into the cavity of the mold. This separated process is what directly differentiates cold chamber die casting from hot chamber casting.

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